The Goldsmith
Mix of home-invasion thriller and terror film in the style of Don’t Breathe and The Owners, awarded at Grimmfest 22.
A trio of thieves breaks into the secluded house of an old goldsmith. They hope to make easy prey. But the blacksmith and his wife are anything but helpless and the mansion turns out to be a deadly trap from which there is no escape.
“veers into extremely gruesome territory and isn’t for the squeamish”
“slowly descends into some full-on horror madness”
“The film’s script (…) is filled with amusing details (…) and recalls similar head-scratching moments in Argento films”
THE GOLDSMITH will be released on 13th October 2023 on DVD, Blu-ray and VoD.
Original titel: L’orafo, a.k.a. The Goldsmith
Country/ year of production: Italy 2022
Directed by: Vincenzo Ricchiuto
Cast: Stefania Casini, Giuseppe Pambieri, Tania Bambaci, Mike Cimini, Gianluca Vannucci
Languages: German, Italian Dolby Digital 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 81 Min.
FSK: 18
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