The tropical metropolis of Batavia City is suffering under corruption and crime. The police are totally helpless. With the appearance of the masked villain Shadow, this powder keg threatens to explode.
In the midst of this chaos, the unsuccessful film director Bono is desperately searching for a hero for his new project. When he accidentally witnesses how the pretty waitress Maya forcefully brings a few pushy guys to behave, Bono realizes that he has found what he was looking for: he transforms Maya into the masked avenger Valentine. With his camera he captures her hunting down the gangsters all over the city – nerve-racking chases and breathtaking fight scenes included!
Valentine becomes a real movie hero and at the same time an idol for the people of Batavia City. She has no idea that her path of justice will inevitably lead to a brutal showdown with the villain Shadow.

Original titel: Valentine
Country / year of production: Indonesia 2017
Directed by: Ubay Fox & Agus Pestol
Cast: Arie Dagienkz, Matthew Settle, Ahmad Affandy
Language: German, English, DTS-HD 5.1, English/Indonesian
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Caption: German
FSK: 16
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