The Unseen
Intense genre mix of science fiction and body horror with stunning special effects by Geoff Redknap (X-MEN; DEAD POOL).
Bob returns to his family after many years to reconcile with his daughter Eva. When she is kidnapped, a race against time begins. Because a mysterious illness causes Bob’s body to disintegrate more and more. Will he manage to save his daughter before he is completely invisible?
“It’s a fairly powerful drama, but the film’s main drive is as a genre-influenced crime effort, and on that count it entertains and thrills.”
“this one wrecked me on an emotional level” The Hollywood News
THE UNSEEN is released on DVD, Blu-ray and VoD.
Original titel: The Unseen
Country/ year of production: Canada 2022
Directed by: Geoff Redknap
Cast: Aden Young, Camille Sullivan, Julia Sarah Stone
Languages: German, English DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 105 Min.
FSK: 16
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