After his wife is murdered by Russian mercenaries in 2014, Mykola, a young teacher, decides to take revenge and joins the Ukrainian military. Trained as a cold-blooded sniper, he soon takes aim at the enemy and inflicts significant losses on them. But his mission becomes increasingly dangerous as Mykola has to act with perfect caution. When the Russians send an elite sniper to take out Mykola, a nerve-wracking and deadly duel begins.
Based on true events.
“Action doesn´t get any more up to date than this” Deadline – The Movie Magazin
“Places the viewer on a battlefield full of emotions” Multimania
“evocative, suspenseful and deeply authentic” NYC Movie Guru
“a truly explosive war film” Film Week
Original titel: Sniper – The White Raven
Country / year of production: Ukraine 2022
Directed by: Marian Bushan
Cast: Maryna Koshkina, Andrey Mostrenko, Aldoshyn Pavlo, Roman Semysal, Zachary Shadrin
Languages: German, Ukrainian DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 100 Min.
FSK: 16
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