Safe Word

A provocative as well as sexy erotic satire: The aspiring pop idol Misa is recruited by a BDSM club because of her energetic charisma, where they want to make her a first-class dominatrix. Under the pseudonym Aian, she settles into the role of submissive. When she finally rises to dominatrix, she gets to know a new exciting side of herself. In the process, a documentary film team accompanies her always
In the program of the Slash Film Festival (Vienna) 2022
“an absolutely lovely film“ Dread Central
“combines the sensuality of the Roman Porno with S&M elements, drama, romance and the mockumentary, emerges as rather intriguing” Asianmoviepulse
“a sex-positive and queer pseudo-documentary that wants us all to embrace our inner pervert.“ Dread Central
SAFE WORD is released on DVD, Blu-ray and VoD.
Original titel: Aishiteru!
Country/ year of production: Japan 2022
Directed by: Koji Shiraishi
Cast: Chisako Kawase, Nagisa Toriumi, Ai Otoha, Ryuchell
Language: German, Japanese DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 94 Min.
FSK: 18
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