Rule 34

The self-confident Simone studies law and campaigns for women’s rights. To finance her studies, she hosts live online sex shows in front of a webcam. Her professional attitude towards sex work is shaken when she is confronted by a user with dangerous BDSM tendencies and starts liking it.
The winner of the Golden Leopard Grand Prize at the 2022 Locarno Film Festival!
In summer 2023 in selected cinemas.
RULE 34 tells an exciting as well as socially critical story in the area of tension between danger and desire.
Director Júlia Murat previously won the Firpesci Prize at the Berlinale 2017 with her feature film Pendular.
“Locarno’s Golden Leopard winner is a sensually intimate character study tackling hot-button subject matter” Screen Daily
“The film, which plays like the even kinkier, contemporary version of something like Belle de Jour (1967), really is about sex death in its protagonist’s fascination (…)”
RULE 34 will launch on 22.9.2023 on DVD, Blu-ray und VoD.
Original titel: Regra 34
Country/ year of production: Portugal 2022
Directed by: Julia Murat
Cast: Sol Miranda, Lucas Andrade, Lorena Comparato, Isabela Mariotto
Languages: German, Portuguese DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 100 Min.
FSK: 16
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