
A shocking erotic-thriller about four rich teenagers who indulge their desire for sex and drugs until one of the girls is brutally murdered. Sixteen years later, the case is reopened by a journalist. Doubts arise whether the true murderer was captured. The group has to face their horrible past once more.
From the producer of The Exorcism of god. With Johanna Juliethe, also starring in the Zombie thriller Infection. Also featuring María Conchita Alonso in a supporting role, known for The Lords of Salem; Predator 2 and Running Man.
“A film that will not leave you untouched” ALS Magazin
“Fascinating” Moviebreak
“Suspenseful psycho thriller” VIRUS
“Wonderfully illustrated punch in the gut” Deadline – The Movie Magazine
For the film JEZABEL, lead actor Gabriel Agüero received the Best Actor Award at the Barcelona Film Festival 2022.
Original titel: Jezabel
Country / year of production: Venezuela & Mexico 2022
Directed by: Hernán Jabes
Cast: Gabriel Agüero, Eliane Chipia, Erich Wildpret, Shakti Maal, Johanna Juliethe, Maria Conchita Alonso
Language: German, Spanish DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 107 Min.
FSK: 16
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