Damascus Under Fire

An explosive action-thriller about an airplane hijacking by Islamic terrorists. Two pilots are sent on a dangerous mission: they are asked to fly civilians out of the city of Palmyra which is besieged by the IS. During the flight however, jihadists manage to take control of the plane. Can a terrible suicide attack with thousands of victims still be averted?
“Sticks to all codes of action cinema” Le Monde
“An Iranian action thriller, that succeeds in sweeping its audience along with effective means.” – Deadline – The Movie Magazine
Original titel: Damascus Time / Be Vaghte Sham
Country / year of production: Iran 2018
Directed by: Ebrahim Hatamikia
Cast: Babak Hamidian, Hadi Hejazifar, Pierre Dagher
Languages: German, Persian & Arabic DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Captions: German
Running time: 113 Min.
FSK: 16
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