Split Desires

A provocative erotic-thriller from the director of The Ring and White Lily.
Kyoko was sexually abused as a child. As a result she became sickened by men and leads a lesbian partnership with the pretty, but also pathologically jealous Naomi. When Kyoko nevertheless develops feelings for an author from the neighborhood, the tense situation escalates into a spiral of sex and violence.
A captivating erotic-thriller with extremely revealing images.
Directed by Hideo Nakata and starring Rin Asuka, known for White Lily.
The film is based on the novel by Kei Ôishi, who wrote the novels on which the horror thrillers Apartment 1303, Love Eternal and Under Your Bed are based upon.
Original titel: The Woman Who Keeps a Murderer
Country / year of production: Japan 2022
Directed by: Hideo Nakata
Cast: Rin Asuka,Kenji Mizuhashi, Toshie Negishi
Language: OmU (Japanese, Mandarin) DTS-HD 5.1
Aspect ratio: 1080p
Caption: German
Running time: 82 Min.
FSK: 18
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